The Year in Outdoors: The Arctic Cowboys

In 2023, the Arctic Cowboys, under the leadership of the seasoned ultra-long-distance kayaker West Hansen with long-time paddling friend Jeff Wueste, along with Mark Agnew and Eileen Visser, embarked on an unprecedented challenge — completing the first-ever kayak expedition throughout the entire Northwest Passage in a single season, with only human power and fully unsupported. Providing crucial field shore and remote support to the team were Expedition Manager Barbara Edington and Expedition Tech Wrangler Tom McGuire. Covering a distance of over 2,000 human-powered miles, the expedition faced formidable obstacles, including a challenging 45-mile open-ocean crossing and navigating the perilous hazards of ice floes. Tom and Barbara’s proficiency in online mapping, satellite meteorological weather monitoring, maritime navigation, and cartography was pivotal in guiding the team. Additionally, their management of transponder communication devices, fundraising, sponsor nurturing, website development, social media, and e-commerce, significantly contributed to amplifying the expedition across various platforms. As the year 2023 draws to a close, the Arctic Cowboys, emerge as prominent figures in the celebration of outstanding outdoor accomplishments throughout the year.© Tom McGuire

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